Thursday, 8 December 2011

December = Happiness

(I would like to apologize for no posts and promise a post explaining my absence) 

I'm really glad its that time of the year. I feel good winning over evil thanks to this seasons atmosphere. I'm going to be working at one of the most dangerous time of the year when children feel careless to point fireworks at dark figures moving away from their area of effect.

Regardless to say, I've been going through some hard times w/ my work. (Me) So I've been overcoming and rewriting myself, getting back on track and making movements to create some momentum to get back on top of my game.

Magic: The Gathering, As an avide collector, I've been beaten by players that have smaller bugets. Which really makes me cross. This coming 2012, the grand prix will happen in the Philippines, so I want to be part of it and make my place known.

Along those lines, I want to become known in the Magic world. I've gotta think of a break through.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Along week

I've been busy with the past week with... (I'll summerize it)

Magic The Gathering
- Completed Mono Red Tribes: Vampire and Werewolves
- Acquired a set of 'Past In Flames'
- Made a cheap competitive deck for standard. (Will publish my deck list)

Dark Souls
- Temporary Hiatus due to Magic: TG and work

- I'm adapting w/ my role at work.
- working on socializing w/ my co-workers.
- Mustn't forget I'm working for myself and the companies success.

Sunday, 9 October 2011


Blue, Red, Green deck
Psychic surgery
Control? Aggros more my style...
Mana ramping. Sacrifice creature to proliferate w/ Thundering Thonatos?
Past in flames+Praetors counsel, Elixir of life to rejuvanate the library

Red... dual, Tri-color Aggro Book of the dead deck:

Non- Basic Land: Buried Ruin (returns artifact from graveyard)
Volt Charge, Blue? for Proliferate
Aggro: Red, Blue White
Elixir of life to rejuvanate the library

Prediction: Innistrad's 3rd expanison: Roll: Inner Sun

Inner Sun: To describe the goodness in ones heart when accompanied by the wild  instincts of a werewolf. Wolfs sanity and embrace of the others presence. The two souls, or one soul split.

(potential title: Silver heart, I've thought this is more in tune w/ the mythos of Innistrad:
The respected astronomancer Jenrik once posited that Innistrad's moon is actually a vast desert composed of tiny grains of silver. He believed that any silver found on Innistrad actually originated from the moon's silver desert, and that terrestrial silver maintains a relationship with the moon's power. Why the moon seems to empower werewolves while silver harms them is not well understood.

 Vampires: An eternal bloodline, or rather the keeper of bloodlines. Keeping blood to save ones lineage to last an eternity, but not always for good. Having acquired Avacyn's essence, they have quenched their thirst and strive to keep humanity's presence and absolute. The wandering vampires are called the heavenly blood line, they can inject blood and absorb to their wishes either to recover lost blood lines and end ones; the ones using it to help the needy, are attributed from Avacyn's intention of human independence.


Red: Cast cards in transformed form w/ haste.
Green: The graveyard is a source of mana and endless resources. (think about this...)
White: Geists, Spirits gain tokens of their mortal selves, Angels have left w/ Avacyn on her pilgrimage.
Blue: Exiled can be put into the grave yard and exiled once more, the remembered have perished except their dying wills.
Black: Truly noble, indestructable and not exileable, they cannot be stopped unless dealt multiple blows to prevent their return.

Lilianna of the Veil is still missing.
Garruk has become not one w/ his soul, nor is his soul split.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Front Face - October 2, 2011

Its the week after typhoon: 'Pedring' had passed the Philippines. Living in the northern part, I can say I am impressed w/ the updates my region has gone through. (Stable electric poles, better plumbing and strengthened communications and accessible resources.

I've been making changes to go back to my hobby. Personally inspired by my fellow blogger Lavina. She has inspired me in amazing levels, I believe these are personal but at the same time motivational that I should record so I can reflect on.

I'll record what I've started feeling when returning to drawing:
- What do I draw? (Honestly, I get so inspired drawing anything that catches my eye, but rather then spoiling it, I'll slowly reveal details through my posts.)
- Artists block? (When I cannot meet the level of art I want to achieve, but I'll just continue to practice and scan my work so that you can enjoy my progress)

This will be the last paragraph, which I'll devote to my present activities that I can look back to know how interested I am in things.
- Magic: The Gatherings new Block: Innistrads release [tagline: 'Horror lurks within']
- Dark Souls (PS3 and 360 release) ['Are you ready to Die']
- Depositing Philippine Pesos to a bank account (Large amount)

, But before I conclude this, I wish everyones safety and continuated protection from the elements, so until next time, Take care!

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Sept 23 - 30, 2011

Presently unable to post due to storm: Pedring.

Internet is down in my area.
I apologize for any inconvience for no updates.
Rest assured I will post the following week by monday.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Ambition: Magic: The Gathering

Have fun.
Become a recognized duelist.
Create and win with my own meta-game.

Philippine duelists become distinguished as world-wide competition.

Forward to the Last Quarter

I'll be looking forward to alot of things. Family, Progress in life and espically gaming.

Sept. 24, 2011: Pre-release party for Innistrad.
Oct. 4, 2011: Will be the North American release of Dark souls.

I'd like to add I enjoy playing games alone, fortunately technology got better and everything's finding ways to be part of a Network. This feeling brings up the fantasy told in stories I've explored in Megaman Starforce. The network age where communication is enhanced towards feats of sci-fi like Mass Effect by Bio ware.

This will be my first Pre-release party (tournament) because I've been participating in standard tournaments. I want to get the most fun, and I decided this is how I can enjoy a new block. (Since I've started playing Magic: The Gathering I've dreamed not to make my collection grow but also win and become part of World national top duelists)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I've been sick for 4 days, and had been allowed rest for 8 days. In the time I've been sick, I've been looking through my stuff. It was a picture of a girl I've fell for at first site. She had gentle emotions, pristine white skin and silky hair that reached past her shoulders.

In the absence of my normal actions for 8 days, I've come to contact others through social websites and connect with acquaintances and friends; stumbling into someones blog I've been inspired to make my own.

After Faselei.