Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I've been sick for 4 days, and had been allowed rest for 8 days. In the time I've been sick, I've been looking through my stuff. It was a picture of a girl I've fell for at first site. She had gentle emotions, pristine white skin and silky hair that reached past her shoulders.

In the absence of my normal actions for 8 days, I've come to contact others through social websites and connect with acquaintances and friends; stumbling into someones blog I've been inspired to make my own.

After Faselei.


  1. Hello! Thanks so much for linking me to your site, I'm glad it inspired you to make your own! Nice to meet you, by the way, and hope you get well soon! :D

  2. I will focus on that, thanks :)
