Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Forward to the Last Quarter

I'll be looking forward to alot of things. Family, Progress in life and espically gaming.

Sept. 24, 2011: Pre-release party for Innistrad.
Oct. 4, 2011: Will be the North American release of Dark souls.

I'd like to add I enjoy playing games alone, fortunately technology got better and everything's finding ways to be part of a Network. This feeling brings up the fantasy told in stories I've explored in Megaman Starforce. The network age where communication is enhanced towards feats of sci-fi like Mass Effect by Bio ware.

This will be my first Pre-release party (tournament) because I've been participating in standard tournaments. I want to get the most fun, and I decided this is how I can enjoy a new block. (Since I've started playing Magic: The Gathering I've dreamed not to make my collection grow but also win and become part of World national top duelists)

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