Sunday, 2 October 2011

Front Face - October 2, 2011

Its the week after typhoon: 'Pedring' had passed the Philippines. Living in the northern part, I can say I am impressed w/ the updates my region has gone through. (Stable electric poles, better plumbing and strengthened communications and accessible resources.

I've been making changes to go back to my hobby. Personally inspired by my fellow blogger Lavina. She has inspired me in amazing levels, I believe these are personal but at the same time motivational that I should record so I can reflect on.

I'll record what I've started feeling when returning to drawing:
- What do I draw? (Honestly, I get so inspired drawing anything that catches my eye, but rather then spoiling it, I'll slowly reveal details through my posts.)
- Artists block? (When I cannot meet the level of art I want to achieve, but I'll just continue to practice and scan my work so that you can enjoy my progress)

This will be the last paragraph, which I'll devote to my present activities that I can look back to know how interested I am in things.
- Magic: The Gatherings new Block: Innistrads release [tagline: 'Horror lurks within']
- Dark Souls (PS3 and 360 release) ['Are you ready to Die']
- Depositing Philippine Pesos to a bank account (Large amount)

, But before I conclude this, I wish everyones safety and continuated protection from the elements, so until next time, Take care!


  1. Yes, my family and I are okay, thank you so much for asking! Hope yours wasn't so affected either!

    It's good you get inspired by anything, so get drawing please, I'm interested to see your work :D
