Sunday, 9 October 2011

Prediction: Innistrad's 3rd expanison: Roll: Inner Sun

Inner Sun: To describe the goodness in ones heart when accompanied by the wild  instincts of a werewolf. Wolfs sanity and embrace of the others presence. The two souls, or one soul split.

(potential title: Silver heart, I've thought this is more in tune w/ the mythos of Innistrad:
The respected astronomancer Jenrik once posited that Innistrad's moon is actually a vast desert composed of tiny grains of silver. He believed that any silver found on Innistrad actually originated from the moon's silver desert, and that terrestrial silver maintains a relationship with the moon's power. Why the moon seems to empower werewolves while silver harms them is not well understood.

 Vampires: An eternal bloodline, or rather the keeper of bloodlines. Keeping blood to save ones lineage to last an eternity, but not always for good. Having acquired Avacyn's essence, they have quenched their thirst and strive to keep humanity's presence and absolute. The wandering vampires are called the heavenly blood line, they can inject blood and absorb to their wishes either to recover lost blood lines and end ones; the ones using it to help the needy, are attributed from Avacyn's intention of human independence.


Red: Cast cards in transformed form w/ haste.
Green: The graveyard is a source of mana and endless resources. (think about this...)
White: Geists, Spirits gain tokens of their mortal selves, Angels have left w/ Avacyn on her pilgrimage.
Blue: Exiled can be put into the grave yard and exiled once more, the remembered have perished except their dying wills.
Black: Truly noble, indestructable and not exileable, they cannot be stopped unless dealt multiple blows to prevent their return.

Lilianna of the Veil is still missing.
Garruk has become not one w/ his soul, nor is his soul split.

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