Thursday, 8 December 2011

December = Happiness

(I would like to apologize for no posts and promise a post explaining my absence) 

I'm really glad its that time of the year. I feel good winning over evil thanks to this seasons atmosphere. I'm going to be working at one of the most dangerous time of the year when children feel careless to point fireworks at dark figures moving away from their area of effect.

Regardless to say, I've been going through some hard times w/ my work. (Me) So I've been overcoming and rewriting myself, getting back on track and making movements to create some momentum to get back on top of my game.

Magic: The Gathering, As an avide collector, I've been beaten by players that have smaller bugets. Which really makes me cross. This coming 2012, the grand prix will happen in the Philippines, so I want to be part of it and make my place known.

Along those lines, I want to become known in the Magic world. I've gotta think of a break through.